Hi Female Founder who is juggling it all…

You may have come across my website from a LinkedIn post, or a friend in your network that share about my work. Either way I’m so excited we’ve crossed paths. 

Perhaps you’re dreading the idea of having to get more active on LinkedIn and start to talk about yourself online. You’ve put it off but are now starting to realize it’s a necessary evil to business development, getting more clients, and having more impact with the business you left corporate to start! 

Knowing what to post about feels completely overwhelming (or takes forever!) and sharing your story feels confusing… getting vulnerable on a platform like LinkedIn… what? 

You see people in your network doing it everyday and wonder to yourself, how are they getting business from this? What is it they’re doing that’s getting them results? 

So you log in and give it a college try but shut down once again. Hitting publish feels terrifying or your post or you do and then delete it because no one even engaged on it. 

Your vision of a full coaching practice or stream of new clients feels endlessly far away. 

If I just ripped a page from your internal diary, know that you’re not the only one who feels this way. 

I’ve helped hundreds of ex-corporate, 2nd chapter career women, founders and leaders, finally get momentum (and new business!) using LinkedIn.

My work has put over $500k in the hands of female business owners. 

Before sharing more about me -

I want to let you in on something that might be holding you back. 

In 2002 LinkedIn began as a networking and job seeking platform.

Now its turned into an incredibly lucrative business building, online space for independents, small business owners, and founders of all kinds to be sharing about their work and promoting their services.

BUT LinkedIn content and activity you see others engaging in is COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to say the least.

So many founders are just contributing to the noise (the bar is literally SO low) and certainly aren’t attracting new business.

Or helping their reputation. 

To actually make money and convert your connections into new business you don’t actually need:


Automations, engagement pods, to be logged in every single day

To share more than you’re comfortable with or feels authentic 

(even if all the online advice is telling you otherwise) 

The RIGHT approach to LinkedIn can result in:

Dream clients excited to pay you to solve their problems

PR outlets and journalists reaching out to get your expertise in their articles and media

Booked out programs, waitlists, and the knowing that you don’t have to be on LinkedIn 24/7 to make that happen (you’ve got more important things to be doing!) 

^ FYI this is what happens for my clients 

But to have that all be your reality, you need the right help with the right expertise who understands exactly how you’re feeling about taking LinkedIn more seriously to help you confidently show up in a way that feels genuine to you. 

Which is exactly where I come in. 

Hi, I’m Molly Godfrey.

I worked in FinTech sales in my 20’s helping scale one of the fastest growing private lending institutions on the West Coast.

I was their #1, top sales rep personally bringing in millions of dollars for the company. Despite everyone’s best advice, I decided to leave at the height of my career.

I no longer cared about driving a BMW, wearing a Rolex, or going on luxury trips. I wanted to have an impact and find more meaningful work for the next chapter of my career.

I took 2 years off to study, train, and become a life coach. My life was expanding and becoming so much more exciting after working on myself and becoming aware of my blocks.

Now ALL I wanted to do was help clients and coach them to achieve the life of their dreams. Except, even though I had a massively successful, award winning sales career, I had absolutely no idea how to sell, promote, or market my own services.

I got one client after Facebook messaging all my old college classmates and then gave up because I had no idea what to do next. My dream of becoming a life-changing coach and being a successful entrepreneur building the business of my dreams felt SO far away.

So I gave up and took another job again.

I worked nights and weekends on the Upper West Side in Manhattan teaching myself and attending trainings whenever I could. When the season ended and I had no job again I called my old boss. I told him I was scared to try again and fail and he promised to coach me. He told me to give it 90 days and if I couldn’t make it in 90 days then I could get a job again.

So I gave it my all.

I found accountability groups, read all of Gary Vee’s content, and started creating. First it was a blog every week.

Then every day.

Then I started submitting my work into female-run publications.

9 months in , I had my first viral piece of content and my life changed forever. A massive women’s media site in Australia picked up my blog. 1,000 women reacted to my writing in the FIRST HOUR of being published. I was getting inundated with comments and requests for my coaching. Now I had the confidence to keep going and write more. About 6 months after that an NBC reporter who wrote for the Today Show reached out to feature a different blog and I officially had my 15 minutes of fame.

Over the next year I learned to take all this content and personal storytelling onto LinkedIn to bring in more coaching clients for my business. By the end of that year my business had doubled and all my founder friends were begging me to teach them what I learned.

4 years later - I now run a multi-six figure solo agency helping female founders achieve the same growth, the same results, and the same confidence to share about themselves online - and get paid. 

It genuinely is a dream come true. 

I’ve honed my skills to help women get visible on LinkedIn and be paid well for their unique gifts. 

Just like this… 

“Founders: you will not regret the investment in working with Molly. Her process was exceptional… Some magical things happened: 

 I started to get inbound requests... The return on this coaching investment happened within about 4 weeks and will continue to be a great investment for my business.”

Kelly, Customer Growth & Retention Consultant 
I want to see you achieve success on LinkedIn, too. 

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